

“Britain’s Greenest Energy Company”

Ecotricity supply 100% green energy and frack-free gas (read more here about the negative impacts of fracking for shale gas). Around one fifth of energy is generated by their own wind and sunmills, and they are currently in the process of building green gasmills to create green gas from grass!

Ecotricity is also the only officially animal-free electricity supplier, supplying the only electricity in the UK registered with The Vegan Society.

Money from your energy bills is utilised for a range of projects for a greener Britain – from building and maintaining new sources of renewable energy, to developing battery storage, and expanding their national network of electric vehicle charging points.

Ethical pricing - one simple rate for each energy tariff, and you’ll always be on the latest best price. There are no restrictive exit fees or penalties.

To their website

Good Energy

“A British renewable electricity company with a difference”

Good Energy powers the choice of a cleaner, greener future, with electricity coming from a community of UK renewable generators; harnessing local, natural sources like sunshine, wind, rain and biofuels.

Good Energy even own some solar and wind sites including Delabole Wind Farm in Cornwall, Woolbridge Solar Park in Dorset and Hampole Wind Farm in Yorkshire. And have invested in hydroelectricity.

Simply by switching to Good Energy you are helping to support a cleaner, greener future powered by renewables.

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Ovo Energy

“It’s time to power your life differently”

As well as offering 100% renewable electricity, OVO is using technology to help build an energy system of the future. They are also helping to turn lamp posts into electric vehicle chargers.

Ovo is aiming to tackle climate change and air pollution, while creating more clean, affordable energy for everyone.

The OVO Foundation charity also helps to tackle youth poverty, provide access to energy, and educational inequality. Through their I Dig Trees programme almost half a million trees have been planted in the UK on behalf of Green Energy customers.

(Note: According to Which, a percentage of Ovo electricity supply is natural gas)

To their website

IKEA Solar Power

Looking to go one step further and generate your own renewable energy at home? IKEA offer a range of solar panel packages and optional battery storage. Harness the energy from the sun at home and save up to £380 on your annual electricity bill.

To their website