
Outdoor compost

So you’ve collected your food scraps and coffee grounds in the kitchen - what now? Why not try an outdoor compost bins? Graf Water have a range made from recycled plastics!

To their website

The Range solar lights

Looking for a way to decorate your garden with minimal impact? Find a range of solar lights in a variety of designs from rabbits to lanterns at The Range.

To their website

Plant a Bee Garden

One third of all our food production depends on bees as pollinators, yet honeybee populations have been rapidly declining. The main causes of this are industrial agriculture, parasites and climate change.

You can help to save the bees by planting a bee garden, including bee-friendly organic flowers, avoiding pesticides in your garden and buy organic food where you can.

Looking for somewhere to start? Bee Friendly Wildflower Seeds have mixes of seeds free from pesticides and insecticides.

To their website

(PS. You can also add your signature to Greenpeace’s petition to ban bee-killing pesticides and chemical-intensive industrial agriculture, and promote ecological farming).

Bird-friendly Garden

Why stop at a Bee Garden? Create a wildlife-friendly garden by attracting birds as well as bees.

The RSPB has a bunch of handy tips and tricks to help birds in your garden, including how to make a bird bath and nest box.

To their website